What do I get in the membership?

Every quarter, we release new items that are appropriate for the season (not the fashion season) to build up your base wardrobe. You have full visibility into what's coming, with the freedom to select which items you would like or let us pick for you.

Here's a snapshot of our new releases, but there are plenty more to choose from each month, including our Classics Collection, lifestyle products, and previously released items (when still available).

Not into it? You can skip, cancel, or swap for something else.

Like the look of what's coming up?

Sign up today, select up to 6-months in advance and get your wardrobe in check.

  • Our range of (almost) always-in-stock wardrobe staples that have stood the test of time, and will continue to into the future. Everything you need in your wardrobe - nothing you don't.

  • Each month you can choose from a variety of lifestyle essentials hand selected by the Asuwere team. From Aotea Skincare, Triumph & Disaster, Mickey Day hair care and more...

  • Like the look of something you have seen us release in the past? If we have it in stock you can always use your monthly credit to anything available in the online store.