Give to Get
Donate the clothes you no longer wear, to someone who will.
Feeling good and being comfortable shouldn't be a privilege. It should be for everyone.
Asuwere is about helping guys be the best versions of themselves - and we started with affordable, good quality wardrobe fundamentals that are tailored to you, suitable for every occasion and delivered to your door every month.
Unfortunately, not everyone has a door. And not everyone can afford the simplest of pleasures like good quality wardrobe staples.
Give to Get is our way of helping address that.

It's really simple:
You bring in the clothes you no longer wear. We donate them to our charity partners who in turn, help put your clothes on other people's backs.
You have a cleaner, clutter free wardrobe, and someone else looks good and feels better for it.
Win Win.

How it works
1. Sort your wardrobe
Cull anything you do not wear and put aside items that you won't wear for the season ahead to clear space.
Start with 3 piles
1. Keep
2. Decide later (Box this up and see if you miss it)
3. Donate or discard
2. Donation Guidelines
No one wants grubby or dirty clothes. Here is an easy checklist to follow on what to donate.
✔️ Shirts + Tees ✔️ Washed
✔️ Chinos/Jeans ✔️ No Stains
✔️ Sweats ✔️ No Holes
✔️ Outerwear ✖️ Used Underwear
✔️ Shoes ✖️ Used Socks
✔️ Accessories
3. Post them or drop them off at the Asuwere store
If you're a member send us an email at to request a bag for your donations, and we'll cover the delivery costs.
Post or drop off to:
38 Nuffield Street, Newmarket, Auckland 1023
Our charity partners
We currently working continuously with 3 inspiring charities: Koha Apparel, Fix Up Look Sharp & Auckland City Mission. Through our Give to Get initiative we donate quality clothing on behalf of our members to these charities that support those vulnerable and marginalised in our community.
Koha Apparel
Koha Apparel repurpose quality clothing to those in need through a dignified, pay-as-you-feel shopping experience.
Fix Up Look Sharp
Fix Up Look Sharp enable men a fresh perspective through fresh clothes, improving their attitude and confidence towards the probability of getting a job.