An open letter to Hon. Grant Robertson

Dear Mr Robertson,
We write on behalf of the men of New Zealand.
Every day in our cities, shopping centres, and high streets, our most valuable commodity is being stolen from us.
Recent studies show that our nation's men spend a collective 90 million hours every year, shopping for clothes.
Most of us don't enjoy it, and many more of us don't do it well.
With that time, we, the men of New Zealand could have launched 49,000 businesses.
9000 of us could have enriched our nation's cultural capital by mastering a musical instrument.
We could have invested 45 million hours back into being better dads, partners, and friends, and spent a further 45 million hours, with a cold drink in hand, reviving our embattled hospitality sector.
As a man of numbers and action, we want to bring this issue to your immediate attention. And to propose a solution.
Asuwere can give our men and country their time back. By delivering premium, tailored clothing to their doors every month. But as a menswear subscription service delivering meticulously designed, high-quality threads at a great price, we can only do so much.
We implore you to use your stature (we estimate a 36-inch waist, regular leg) to join us in raising the profile of this issue. We would be only too happy to arrange a complimentary subscription, freeing up some of your valuable time to do so.
Please let us know if you are interested in a fitting.
Yours in productivity,
P.S. We understand you are time poor.
TLDR: Shop Less. Live More.